Serves one
200 g sea bass filet
50 g finely chopped onion
100 g fresh tomato paste
20 g chopped coriander and dill 5g garlic 50 g finely chopped green pepper 20 g flour pinches of salt, pepper, cumin and dried coriander juice of ½ a lemon corn- oil
1 - Marinade the fish slices in salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, lemon juice, corn-oil, garlic and flour.
2 - Put the above ingredients in a covered bowl in a medium oven for 10 minutes.
3 - Place the onion, green pepper and chopped garlic in a casserole dish and fry in corn-oil for 7 minutes. Before it starts browning add the fresh tomato and tomato paste, cumin and coriander. Leave for 5 minutes at medium temperature.
4 - Add the green coriander and dill, and spilt the whole mixture into two.
5 - Take a crockery tagen and put in the first half of the tomato sauce. Add a layer of marinated fish, then cover with the remainder of the tomato sauce.
6 - Place some tomato slices on the top to prevent burning .
7 - Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
8 - Serve with plain, buttered white rice.
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